Delphiniums with AGM

The RHS Award of Garden Merit is intended to be of practical value to the home gardener and is only awarded to a plant that meets the following criteria:

  • It must be of outstanding excellence for ordinary garden decoration or use
  • It must be available
  • It must be of good constitution
  • It must not require highly specialist growing conditions or care
  • It must not be particularly susceptible to any pest or disease
  • It must not be subject to an unreasonable degree of reversion in its vegetative or floral characteristics

Descriptions are taken from the trials reports and the Delphinium Register, when available. The numbers next to the colours refer to the RHS Colour Chart and clicking on the photo will display a larger image.

Delphinium elatum 'Atholl' AGM 2001

Good spikes with an attractive black eye. Plant 180cm tall; flower spike 65cm long, blunt, flowers closely spaced, many side spikes; flowers 7cm diameter, semi-double, on long stalk; outer and inner sepals white; eye black.

Delphinium elatum 'Blue Dawn' AGM 1993

Herbaceous perennial to 2.2m, with glossy dark green, divided leaves. Flowers pale blue, tinged with light purple, with dark brown eyes.

Delphinium elatum 'Blue Nile' AGM 1993

Herbaceous perennial to 1.5m tall, with divided, dark, glossy green leaves and erect racemes of white-eyed, mid-blue flowers.

Delphinium elatum 'Bruce' AGM 1993

Herbaceous perennial to 2m tall, with glossy dark green, divided leaves and rich violet-purple flowers, paler towards the centre, with buff eyes, in racemes to 1.2m long.

Delphinium elatum 'Can-Can' AGM 1999

Plant 160cm tall; flower spike 80cm long, tapering, flowers fairly closely spaced, many good side spikes; flowers 7cm diameter, double, on long stalk; outer sepals white heavily flushed with blue group 100A, extreme base white; inner sepals violet group 87B with blue group 100A margins; eyeless. Flowering from 21 June 1999. A good garden plant with many secondary spikes.

Delphinium elatum 'Centurion Sky Blue' (Centurion Series) AGM 2008

Herbaceous perennial to 1.5m tall. Quality spikes of sky blue flowers each accented by a white bee. (Seed raised)

Delphinium elatum 'Cherub' AGM 2001

Pale pink and mauve with cream eye medium height. Plant 220cm tall; flower spike 60cm long, tapering, flowers closely spaced, many side spikes; flowers 6cm diameter, semi-double, on long stalk; outer and inner sepals white flushed with Purple Gp. 76B; eye white with yellow hairs. Flowering from 27 June 2001.

Delphinium elatum 'Clifford Sky' AGM 1999

Plant 185cm tall; flower spike 90cm long, tapering, flowers closely spaced, many side spikes; flowers 7cm diameter, semi-double, on long stalks; outer and inner sepals closest to blue group 101B fading to 101C; eye white. Flowering from 28 June 1999. Late flowering, a beautiful sky blue colour.

Delphinium elatum 'Conspicuous' AGM 1993

Herbaceous perennial to 1.5m tall, with divided, dark green leaves and racemes of light blue-mauve flowers, with brown eyes.

Delphinium elatum 'Elisabeth Sahin' AGM 2007

Vigorous, spreading perennial to 192cm. Medium leaves closest to deep yellow-green 147A. Floriferous, six blunt spikes, to 97cm with many strong laterals. Flowers semi-double, to 9cm, white 155C, inner petals flushed very pale yellow, eye white with very pale yellow 4C hairs, long stalked. Spur 3cm, not hairy. 50% flowering 11/6/07. Excellent flower quality, fresh clean white, size and colour of florets very attractive, stands up well to heavy rain, excellent garden plant.

Delphinium elatum 'Elizabeth Cook' AGM 2000

Plant 150cm tall; flower spike 65cm long, tapering, flowers closely spaced, many sidespikes; flowers 6.5cm diameter, semi-double, on long stalk; outer and inner sepals white; eye white. Flowering from 12 June 2000. A good garden plant for cuttings and propagating; stands up well; lots of laterals.

Delphinium elatum 'Emily Hawkins' AGM 1993

Tall herbaceous perennial to 2.2m, with divided foliage and light, lilac-mauve flowers, with pale brown eyes, in racemes to 75cm long.

Delphinium elatum 'Faust' AGM 1993

Herbaceous perennial to 1.8m tall, with dark, divided foliage and erect racemes of dark-eyed, deep blue-purple flowers.

Delphinium elatum 'Fenella' AGM 1993

Herbaceous perennial to 1.5m tall, with divided foliage and erect racemes up to 90cm long, of dark-eyed, violet-tinged, deep blue flowers.

Delphinium elatum 'Foxhill Nina' AGM 2008

Herbaceous perennial with pale pink flowers with a white eye.

Delphinium elatum 'Galileo' AGM 2002

Plant 180cm tall; flower spike 65cm long, tapering, flowers closely spaced, many side spikes; flowers 7 cm diameter, semi-double, on long stalk; outer sepals violet-blue group 98A; inner sepals purple group 76A eye brownish black. Flowering from 5 June 2002. A good weather resistant garden plant with nicely positioned, well formed florets, mid blue with mauve shadings and black eye.

Delphinium elatum 'Holly Cookland Wilkins' AGM 2007

A vigorous yet compact perennial to 162cm. Medium, deep palmate lobed leaves closest to green 137B. Floriferous, seven blunt spikes, with many strong laterals. Flowers semi-double, to 7cm, violet N88C, eye black with some violet N88C, long stalked. Spur 1.9cm, not hairy. 50% flowering 15/6/07. Lovely soft lilac; plenty of flowering stems with a good amount of laterals; stands up well against weather; even, good sized plants.

Delphinium elatum 'Jill Curley' AGM 2006

Vigorous, spreading perennial to 210 cm, branching, large mid green leaves. Floriferous, up to 15 tapering spikes, to 80cm with many side spikes. Flowers semi-double, to 8.5cm, white 155c, eye more creamy white, long-stalked. Spur 2.8cm, not hairy. 50% flowering 19 June 2006. Stunning tall, free-flowering, white Delphinium elatum, excellent for the back of the borders; lasts well.

Delphinium elatum 'Kennington Classic' AGM 2007

Vigorous spreading perennial to 188cm. Medium leaves closest to dark yellow-green 147A. Floriferous, 7 tapering spikes with many strong laterals. Flowers semi-double, to 8cm, white 155A (cream), eye white 155A (cream) with a dense covering of soft yellow 5B hairs, quite long stalked. Spur 1.9cm, slightly hairy. 50% flowering 21/6/07. An excellent cream Delphinium elatum with a consistently uniform habit and a good number of flower stems per plant, flowers a little later in the season and stands up well to rain.

Delphinium elatum 'Kestrel' AGM 2006

Vigorous perennial to 200cm, branching, large, dark green leaves. Floriferous, up to 14 blunt spikes to 90cm long, with many strong side spikes. Flowers semi-double, 6.5cm diameter, closest blue 100A, eye dark brown 200A with some yellow hairs, not long stalked. Spur 2cm, not hairy. 50% flowering 12 June 2006. A very early flowering Delphinium elatum, that puts on a magnificent display of vibrant cobalt/turquoise blue flowers with soft dark hairy centres.

Delphinium elatum 'Langdon's Blue Lagoon' AGM 2004

Vigorous perennial to 195cm, branching, large green leaves. Floriferous, to 16 tapering spikes, to 90cm long with a few weak side spikes. Flowers close, semi-double, 7cm diameter, to 10 inner petals, paler than Blue 100B, paling towards the centre, white eye with some blue specks, long-stalked. Spur 2.5cm, not hairy. 50% flowering 7/6/04.

Delphinium elatum 'Langdon's Pandora' AGM 2003

Vigorous perennial to 240cm, branching and spreading. Floriferous, 12 tapering spikes per plant to 100cm in length, many strong side spikes. Flowers 7.5cm, slightly spaced, semi-double, 8 inner petals, blue 104C, paling to centre, brown eye with blue stripes and pale yellow hairs, long stalked, 11cm. Spur 2.5cm, not hairy. 50% flowering 20 June 2003. Tall with bright mid blue flowers and a black and blue striped eye.

Delphinium elatum 'Lilian Bassett' AGM 1995

Herbaceous perennial to 1.5m tall, with mid-green, divided foliage and erect spikes of pure white, dark brown-eyed semi-double flowers 7cm across.

Delphinium elatum 'Lord Butler' AGM 1993

Herbaceous perennial to 1.5m tall, with divided foliage and light blue flowers with white eyes, in dense racemes to 75cm long.

Delphinium elatum 'Lucia Sahin' AGM 2001

Herbaceous perennial to 200cm tall; flower spike 55cm long, blunt, flowers closely spaced, many sidespikes; flowers 6cm diameter, semi-double, on long stalk; outer and inner sepals Purple Group N78B, eye dark brown. Floweirng from June 2001. Unusual deep pink colour good eye and spike, medium height.

Delphinium elatum 'Margaret' AGM 2010

Herbaceous perennial to 120cm tall; flower spike 65cm long, blunt, flowers; many side spikes; flowers 5.5- 6cm diameter, semi-double; vivid purplish blue 99C; eye white sometimes with a stripe of main colour; spurs 15-20mm long; pedicels 40mm long.

Delphinium elatum 'Michael Ayres' AGM 1998

Plant 190cm tall; flower spike 65cm long, blunt, flowers closely spaced, few side spikes; flowers 6cm diameter, semi double, on long stalk; outer sepals violet-blue group 94B, inner sepals purple-violet group 82B; eye brownish black. Flowering from 2 June 1998.

Delphinium elatum 'Min' AGM 1994

Herbaceous perennial to 2m tall, with erect racemes to 90cm long, composed of semi-double, white flowers, strongly tinged violet at the edges.

Delphinium elatum 'Olive Poppleton' AGM 2000

Herbaceous perennial with spikes of semi-double, white flowers with golden-brown eyes.

Delphinium elatum 'Oliver' AGM 1998

Plant 190cm tall; flower spike 55cm long, blunt, flowers closely spaced; many side spikes; flowers 6.5cm diameter, semi-double on long stalk; outer sepals blue group 104C; inner sepals violet group 84B; eye black. Flowering from 2 June 1998.

Delphinium elatum 'Our Deb' AGM 1996

Plant 180cm tall; flower spike 90cm long, tapering, flowers closely spaced, many side spikes; flowers 7cm diameter semi-double on long stalk; outer and inner sepals a translucent silvery grey very lightly flushed with a pale shade of red-purple group 69B, eye fairly light brown touched with a pale shade of red-purple group 69B with few pale yellow hairs. Flowering from 1 July 1996.

Delphinium elatum 'Purple Velvet' AGM 2006

Vigorous, spreading, perennial to 242cm, branching, large green leaves. Floriferous, up to 22 quite blunt spikes to 85cm long, with many strong side spikes. Flowers close, semi-double, to 7.5cm diameter, closest to dark violet-blue N89A, paling to violet-blue 90B towards the centre, eye dark brown N200A with very fine noticeable yellow hairs, appearing velvety. Spur 2cm, not hairy. 50% flowering 22 June 2006. A very tall, vigorous Delphinium elatum, that has superb, striking, rich purple columnar blooms, an unusual colour for the back of the border.

Delphinium elatum 'Rosemary Brock' AGM 1993

Herbaceous perennial to 1.5m tall, with divided foliage and dusky purplish-pink flowers, each with a dark brown eye.

Delphinium × cultorum 'Rosy Future' (New Century Hybrids) AGM 2008

Herbaceous perennial to 1.5m tall. From the Dreaming Spires series, shades of mulberry rose and pink with both light and dark 'bees'. (Seed raised)

Delphinium elatum 'Spindrift' AGM 1993

Erect herbaceous perennial to 1.5m tall, with divided foliage and 90cm racemes of white-eyed flowers, the petals lilac with pale blue and sometimes green tinges.

Delphinium elatum 'Sungleam' AGM 1993

Erect herbaceous perennial to 2m tall, with divided foliage and 60cm racemes of creamy-white flowers, strongly tinged yellow and with yellow eyes.

Delphinium elatum 'Sunkissed' AGM 2000

Herbaceous perennial with spikes of semi-double, creamy-white flowers with a yellow eye.

Delphinium elatum 'Sweethearts' (New Millennium Series) AGM 2008

Herbaceous perennial to 1.2m. Large single flowers of deep and pale rose pink with an attractive white bee. (Seed raised)

Delphinium elatum 'Tiddles' AGM 1993

Herbaceous perennial to 1.5m tall, with divided foliage and racemes of greyish-mauve, semi-double flowers.

Delphinium elatum 'Walton Gemstone' AGM 1996

Herbaceous perennial to 190cm tall; flower spike 85cm long, blunt, flowers closely spaced, many side spikes; flowers 6.5cm diameter semi-double on long stalk; outer and inner sepals white slightly tinged violet group 85C, eye white. Flowering from 1 July 1996.